Wednesday 18 July 2018

Flu Shots: Yes or No?

Before I start I need to point out this is conjecture, supposition, theorizing.  I'm not an expert on the subject and I have no data to back up any claims.  I'm simply going to share some thoughts and examples and let you ponder what is said.

I've always been suspicious of flu shots, I tell you that straight up.  Well not so much suspicious but dubious.  Dubious about us not being strong enough to ward off viruses.  Considering we've been able to overcome illness naturally and this is what has made humans stronger genetically.  Why is it suddenly we NEED flu shots?  [I think #2 is a major reason why companies push flu shots]

1) We're told taking antibiotics makes strains more resistant and our bodies less able to fight off viruses - thus making super bugs.  Therefore wouldn't it stand to reason that letting our bodies get the virus and fight it off naturally, strengthens us?

2) We've become a nation of workaholics and heaven forbid anyone should take more than a day or two off.  "Sick?  Here's some antibiotics to help you get back to work in one or two days instead of taking a week off to fight the virus and actually rest before returning to work."

3) Last year there was a flu epidemic.  Hundreds of people caught the flu, including my children and I, and it was really, really bad.  Some people lost their lives.  This made those that 'sell' flu shots tell us how important it is to get your flu shots... However, what if people taking flu shots every year is what is causing the flu strains to become so much more virulent?  What if the common flu is becoming so virulent because of the flu shots and this will end up causing a Super Flu that wipes out a vast many of us?

4) Flu shots cost money so somewhere along the line someone is pocketing big $$$$ on us getting sick, or in this case trying NOT to get sick.  Big pharma are making a killing off our fear of getting sick, which, ironically, is the very thing that causes our genetics to become stronger. 

5) Genetically, living in close proximity to each other and animals has made the European bloodline strong (and many Australians are of European decent).  When Europeans first came to Australia and America it was our germ strains that wiped out a vast many First Nations people, because they'd never come into contact with the vast majority of bugs we picked up from living alongside animals and live stock.
In fact each culture/country has built up it's own superior abilities to combat prevalent illnesses.  For example Africans are more likely to have sickle cell which helps stop them getting malaria, we go to Africa and die from something that doesn't kill them as readily as it kills us.
Australian Aboriginals have other genetic strengths handed down from generation to generation that we (new comers) don't have.
The point is getting sick makes us stronger!

NOTE: One could argue that the flu shots still make us sick and therefore make us stronger... however, I'm still debating that it could actually be making things worse (see point #3).  Keep in mind flu shots are synthetic man made substances with all manner of dubious ingredients... vs catching a natural virus.

6) Beware bad reactions.  Have you spoken to people who've had bad reactions to flu shots?  I have and some of the things that have happened to people is quite shocking (though rare), and most likely wouldn't have happened if they'd just caught the flu regularly.
  • One person was vomiting for days, so much so they had to go on medicine to stop the purging.
  • One person fainted at the place where the flu shot happened and was out for 10mins.
  • Seizures.
7) Flu shot aren't nearly as necessary as vaccines such as polio and measles.  The flu is not a major public health threat (... yet... see point #3).  We can fight and get over the flu naturally!!!!

Experts might state stats about how flu shots help a vast many especially those not in positions to fight the flu: elderly, children etc.  That being said, those who are strong and able to fight the flu should be able to go through the process safely and come out stronger.  Don't you think?

There might be stats that show that flu shots are making some of us stronger while those not taking flu shots could be less likely to be able to fight off some Super Flu bug if it comes.  To me the whole thing smacks of Big Business and intervening with nature just so people won't take time off work.

What are your thoughts?  I would love to hear from you!


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