Monday 26 August 2013

DIY Easy Tonic Water For Skin

This simple Tonic Water can be used for a number of things.

1. If you don't have any toner on hand use this tonic water.
2. To give your arm pits or 'good bits' a quick spruce.
3. Wipe over your Deodorant to refresh the surface of your roll on bar.
4. Give your feet a quick once over to freshen them up.
5. Cleanse your hands.

I'm sure you can find a number of other general uses for this tonic water. 
The essential oils chosen have antibacterial properties.

You will need:
125ml bottle
125ml water
4 drops of tea tree OR orange essential oil.

Fill bottle up with water and add essential oil.  Shake well before each use.

TIP: store your tonic water in a spritz bottle (above) so you can spray your face, as an aftershave lotion, under your arms, your chest, your groin, shoes, feet, and even your Deodorant roll on - for antibacterial properties.


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